The cycle of Dana
The cycle of Dana is a 2D platformer. Inspired by celtic Dana's legend, this game is a poetic story where the girl is searching for her brother.
The game was made in three months with two other persons. We used Arduino card in order to create an immersive forest ambiance. With the card, we created an ambilight system and then we activated fans and odor diffusors. You can see on the photos these elements in situation of presentation.
Programming : Victor Grosclaude
Graphic Design : Mathieu Clavel
Level Design : Mathieu Clavel and Amélia Lopes
Game Design : The whole team
Sound Design : Amélia Lopes
Little Book

Here is a video where you can see what it looks like through different levels, alternating between contemplatives times and plateforme times.
You can see how the world is changing as Dana forward in the game. Indeed, the forest is sick because of a demon who corrupts all of he touchs. Dana have to run to heal the forest before it is too late.
When you play this game, you don’t use an usual controler :
You play with a real book !
When you physically turn a page of the book, you also turn it virtually in game.
The player uses an Oculus rift, headphones with binaural audio, the book and a mouse (to simulate the torch light) and he plays in a bed.
These elements combined together create an amazing immersive experience !
On this video, you can see how the book works.
Little book is a 3D anxiety game in wich the player is a kid who reads a book in bed, hidden under his blanket.
I made this project with four other people during three months. Little Book is one of the 20 other projects selected for GDC 2016's alt.ctrl.GDC showcase.
Here, you can see the trailer of the game.
Programming : Vincent Swaenepoel
Graphic Design : Benjamin Rigotti
Level Design : Chloé Duretti
Game Design : Amélia Lopes
Sound Design : Adrien Maljournal
Broken Mind
Broken is a game which uses the differents steps of Alzheimer’s disease as the input for gameplay. It takes place in a fantasy world where the the character’s mental representation tries to find her soul mate lost in the altered fragments of her memory .
Teaser availlable below.
Broken Mind was made as a 2D isometric puzzle game. Conception began in october 2015 with a group of 11 people and myself. We are currently producing the prototype that will be available in March 2016.
Here is a isometric perspective mock-up showing the main character's mental representation (in white) and the two different states the environment can take, representing each one temporal remembrance of a peculiar settings the character knew. While one is greyish and destroyed from the disease alternating the memory, the other one is more colourful but still alienated.
This mock-up represents the narrative times of the game, which serves as the link between the different levels . They are represented by bridges, like neurons linked with synapses.

Programming : Guillaume Dor, Judicaël Abecassis, Guillermo Nuñez
Graphic Design : Leïla Chihab, Romain Berbion Janie Poulin
Game Design : Emilie Breslavetz, Chloë Duretti, Amélia Lopes
Sound Design : Adrien Maljournal
Producer : Justin Guilbert
User experience : Kevin Ornon
My own tasks : The main character's background, the story line, the global structure of the game, definition of the vertical slice we presented in march, dialogues.
Tasks with the rest of Game design team : Game Design Document writing, work on gameplay mechanics to make narration and talk about Alzheimer's disease on metaphoric way with them.
My own tasks : The book's background, the story line, the book's content, the story line, the dialogues, Game Design Concept writing, ergonomy linked to our innovated controller, integration in game of things related to the book thanks to tools made by the programmer, events scripting with tools too, playtest, debug.
My own tasks : Paper version of Level Design, Music, sound effects, Arduino's electronic assembly, decoration of the presentation room.
Tasks with the rest of Game design team : Gameplay mechanics, adaptation of Dana's legend
BONUS ! You want to see the full experience ? Click here ! (French version)